If you are asked to do something.
If I ask you to do something.
If you accept the task of doing a thing.
Do this some-thing well, and be amazing...
Knock their socks off.
Knock the world's socks off.
Your first thought.
Outside of creating this thing.
Who is paying for this?
Followed by...
How will get paid for this?
Followed by...
Is this amount enough?
That, dollar.
How many of those dollars?
What is the consistency of them dollars?
Currency is not evil.
Dollars are tools of commerce.
Money is an enabler, seldom a hinderance.
We, I, focus on it as though it were a prerequisite.
This is an insidious thing and it stalls all forms of innovation.
This is an insidious thing in which we assign the blame of stagnation to all forms of paper.
This is an insidious mindset, and we blame...
calm | confident | clear