I love this topic.
I love these topics.
They are filled with you, and me, and we, and expectation laced with deterministic freedom.
Here goes free will, for the win...
There is desire to have you join the rank and file orating on the idea of...
"There is no guru".
Then what follows is an empowering message which follows...
"You are the guru, you are your own guru...
Find your guru within".
The guru is not within.
The guru is there, or there, and there.
Where you learned how to be who you are today.
There is the guru.
Where you fell, got up at the direction of another.
There is the guru.
When you thought you could not make it, and the voice that believed when you did not.
There is the guru.
This is not an uppercase, capitalized, G-guru.
This is the guru, the person, teacher, sage, master.
You will sit at the feet of the guru
The guru, whom you follow blindly in to battles, into war.
The guru, whom you walk across water, across hot coals, over broken, sharp, stabbing glass ...all for the guru.
Then... you curse the guru.
You separate yourself from, the guru.
Without the guru you find yourself.
You discover who you are, you gain release, you earn freedom.
You define you.
Pushing the guru away, away and further in the cloudy mist of self-determined-definition.
For this is the goal of the true Capital G-Guru...
Now you are, Guru.
...make of this what you will.
calm | confident | clear