It occurs to me that there is a thing that happens consistently.
It is the consistency at which we learn behaviors, or our way of doing things, Method.
It is true that we don't know everything (for myself, doubly so). It is also true that the way we know how to do a thing may be, less-than-beneficial or downright incorrect.
This is an important note, because it levels the playing field for the beginner and the expert. Though you may have a way to complete a task the fall-out or resulting impact may be less-than-beneficial or downright incorrect.
Why is this an important note?
This means that no matter your level of achievement, understanding and practice we are all students. We are all discarding old ways of doing or not doing the task, and embracing the enrichment which comes from participating in the process of learning.
A student walks into the facility and is instructed to perform a task.
The response is normal, "I cannot do that"
The teacher simply and unemotionally responds
"Of course you cannot do the task
nor should you be able to,
for if you could
you would not
be here,now."
This discourse is correct, the student "cannot do that" and nor should they be able. The entire purpose of training, development and learning is that the student "cannot do that".
We persist in the initiation of the process and the development of the method, so that one day the student, "can."
In this way, we are constantly searching for that which we cannot do. Even among things which we have categorized as things we can.
In this way, we are all students learning to be better.
Competency, Expertise, and Mastery hinge on this deliberate
and persistent search for that which we cannot do.
calm | confident | clear