Cool, Calm & Collected
...physically digital things
There is this thing that is happening... It is cyclical, and we are in an age where things move faster and faster.
Here we go again.
We care that you have 1,000 or 10,000 or 100,000 followers.
We really, really, do.
We do.
Here’s the rub.
Your fans don't. . . .
Posted in: branddevelopmentpersonal
Belief, is.
...between truth, lies.
Belief is...
Sight unseen
Words un-backed
Deeds unsubstantiated
Things not created
There is nothing truly believable
Yet there lies belief
The stuff, the substance, that binds the here and now to the there and then.
We need belief when the world lives on being convinced.
Nothing is . . .
Posted in: developmentpersonalphilosophy
Burn Bridges
...a note on the action of choice.
Choice and Decision
Somewhere along the way, it finally dawned on me that the known possibilities are not infinite, they are few. The human imagination can only conjure a select few iterations. A few possibilities which are further reduced by the dizzying array of selections we make per day. The bulk of these selections are mindless, . . .
Posted in: developmentempowerment
Can. Cannot. Can. Can't.
...students are masters because masters are students.
It occurs to me that there is a thing that happens consistently.
It is the consistency at which we learn behaviors, or our way of doing things, Method.
It is true that we don't know everything (for myself, doubly so). It is also true that the way we know how to do a thing may be, less-than-beneficial or downright . . .
Posted in: developmentlearningskill
Quiet will be measured, you will be judged.
Be Quiet
Silence... blissfully-cruel silence.
No... applause, cheers.
No... boo’s, critiques.
The silence created when the space of your mind is flooded with so much input,
that it has the eternity of a moment in which to stop and feel the powerful emptiness of nothing.
Birthed from . . .