quincéy xavier
Can. Cannot. Can. Can't.
...students are masters because masters are students.
It occurs to me that there is a thing that happens consistently.
It is the consistency at which we learn behaviors, or our way of doing things, Method.
It is true that we don't know everything (for myself, doubly so). It is also true that the way we know how to do a thing may be, less-than-beneficial or downright . . .
Posted in: developmentlearningskill
It merely occurs...
Loss | Aversion
So, here's the thing...
What are we talking about?
Oh, yes...
Loss aversion, the correlation to relationship failure and the delay of the inevitable.
Well there is a fundamental flaw in the statement/question.
You are not loss adverse about relationships.
You do not fear the person leaving you.
You . . .
Posted in: dynamicspersonalrelationshipsocial
...you will be measured, you will be judged.
Be Quiet
Silence... blissfully-cruel silence.
No... applause, cheers.
No... boo’s, critiques.
The silence created when the space of your mind is flooded with so much input,
that it has the eternity of a moment in which to stop and feel the powerful emptiness of nothing.
Birthed from . . .
In many ways
...a moment of reflection.
In many ways
I am...
Not here to be convenient
To be accessible
Not here to be the most understood
The greatest intellectual
Things which interrupt are valuable
The interruption to your daily existence that changes it
Your daily life
Not the . . .
The things we say
...can, cannot and can't ...will, will not and won't
So what I need you to do is select a task that you can do, expertly.
It's what you are known for doing well.
As a matter of fact, your friends, family and even colleagues will contact you for this thing exclusively.
They wouldn't even... Well, you get the point.
You are good at this thing.
The next step.
. . .There is no Guru.
...Lead. Follow. Move.
I love this topic.
I love these topics.
They are filled with you, and me, and we, and expectation laced with deterministic freedom.
Here goes free will, for the win...
There is desire to have you join the rank and file orating on the idea of...
"There is no guru".
Then what follows is an . . .
The morality of the task
...maybe you can get something done today.
So you have heard this before... I am sure one of your more self-effacing friends, colleagues or acquaintances has brought this to your attention. Typically, you have come to them and explained that you have multiple tasks to complete, and a very limited amount of time to complete all of them. Therefore, time is not plentiful and you must . . .